1255-B, avenue Clarence

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


BeGrainSafe is a program designed to help save lives.

Learn about the hazards of grain through prevention education, rescue training and on-site workplace training, and be grain safe.

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Program Overview

In response to increased grain entrapment fatalities, CASA’s BeGrainSafe program has worked to save lives since 2017.

From awareness-raising displays and demonstrations at farm shows to firefighter training and producer education, we reach all ages with our grain safety message.

Firefighter Training

Firefighters are trained in complex grain rescue procedures.

Prevention Education

The public learns about the dangers of grain entrapment through interactive displays and demonstrations. Browse Our Resources below and find the tool that’s right for you.

Our Resources

Book our trailer for firefighter training or book interactive table top displays for a trade show or education event near you.

BeGrainSafe Trailer

This mobile training and demonstration unit entraps a mannequin/person in flowing grain in a controlled manner to demonstrate the dangers of grain entrapment and rescue training procedures. The BeGrainSafe Trailer is used for firefighter training.

BeGrainSafe Table Top Displays

(Interactive Flowing Grain and Lung Displays) These units include two interactive physical displays: a flowing grain demonstration and a lung display. The Table Top Display is designed for small events and youth farm safety activities.

Donate to BeGrainSafe

Support our work to increase grain safety awareness and training. Make a donation to the BeGrainSafe program through our registered charity.

Become a BeGrainSafe Sponsor

Our sponsors play a key role in getting the message of grain safety out to rural communities. Find out if BeGrainSafe is a great fit for your business.

BeGrainSafe Sponsorship

Would you like to become a BeGrainSafe sponsor?
Click the image below to download our Sponsorship Package information.

Let's Talk!

Contact Us!

(877) 452 2272


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