1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Apply now to host a Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® in 2011

July 6, 2010, Winnipeg: Applications to organize a Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® in your

rural community next year are due July 15. Apply at www.progressiveag.org or call toll-free 1-888-257-3529.

This year, more than 12,000 rural kids are learning to be safer on the farm at 52 Progressive
Agriculture Safety Days® in six provinces. They’re joined by almost 3,000 volunteers who
organize the events and lead activities to help make farm and ranch life safer and healthier for

The Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® program trains and provides resources for local
community volunteers to conduct one-day, hands-on, educational farm Safety Days for
children. Communities chosen to participate in the program receive at no cost:

  • one and one-half days of training for the lead coordinator
  • in-depth, step-by-step training materials
  • liability and excess medical insurance the day of the Safety Day
  • publicity
  • welcome banners and copy-ready posters and certificates
  • take-home bags and a t-shirt for each participant and volunteer

While the national program provides a suggested framework, coordinators tailor their Safety
Day to meet the specific needs of the local community. They choose the location, date, and
hours; number and age of participants; and which topics are taught. They recruit other
volunteers as needed to teach the topics, serve as group leaders and seek local donations.

The program is run by the Progressive Agriculture Foundation with funding provided by
numerous North American, state/provincial, and regional businesses and organizations. The
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association provides logistical support for Canadian coordinators.

Media contact:

Diane Wreford
(204) 275-8874

David Vielfaure
(204) 275-9970
