1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Build an AgSafe Canada (CASW 2019)

building safety on the farm

toolbox talks

Toolbox Talks are brief, informal talks or meetings about specific topics relevant to agriculture and how to undertake these various tasks safely and properly. Download the toolbox talks below, or develop your own toolbox talk using the template and build safety on your farm.

producer tools

These Producer Tools can help you build safety on your farm by developing a spring checklist and a visitor orientation. Let’s build an AgSafe Canada!

fact sheets

Check out fact sheets on WHMIS and Fusarium – the more you know, the more you can Build Safety on your farm.

WHMIS 2015 and GHS Compliance

Did you know? WHMIS 2015 is here! Find out more about Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System 2015 and Global Harmonized System compliance in this fact sheet.

Brought to you by:

Fusarium and Mycotoxins

Fusarium, DON, vomitoxin, scab. Find our more information and how to stay safe in this fact sheet.

building wellness on the farm

A healthy farmer is a safe farmer and a safe farmer is a strong farmer. Look after your health and wellness. It’s one of the best investments you can make for the future of your farm.

building resilience on the farm

Farm Stress Inventory

Farming and Ranching have unique occupational hazards and stresses with strong traditions of being an independent occupation. The tendency is not to openly talk about problems or ask for support until things are absolutely desperate.

​Taking an inventory of your situation is the first step.

Farm Stress Management Plan

With the proper tools, it’s possible to reduce and eliminate stress. After taking a stress inventory, take the time to manage your stress.

Safe & Strong Farms: Be an AgSafe Family
