1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Safety is Our Standard (CASW 2022)

Value #FarmSafetyEveryday

Read the Label & Dress for Success

These infographics, developed in partnership with Syngenta, provide helpful information on crop protection product safety practices.

Rail Safety Infographic

The railways that crisscross Canada are vital links from farm to table. This infographic, developed in partnership with CN, is a reminder that as crucial as rail is to your operation, so is being safe where field and farmyard access roads cross train tracks.

Social Isolation and COVID-19

Dealing with Social Isolation and Loneliness on the Farm

Social isolation and loneliness are serious issues on farms across Canada. This resource provides information on combatting isolation and loneliness.

8 Domains of Well-Being…COVID-19 Style!

Dr. Andria Jones-Bitton, Associate Professor and Director of Well-Being Programming at the Ontario Veterinary College, and her team created this helpful resource on well-being strategies during COVID-19, which are just as useful in “normal times.” For more great resources from Dr. Jones-Bitton and her team check out: www.ajbresearch.com/resources.

Please note, this resource is intended for personal educational purposes only.

The Business Case for Farm Safety

Creating a Farm Safety Program

Everyone knows that a business plan is food for any successful business operation. But did you know that safety plans and procedures are also good for business? This resource highlights some the advantages of having a farm safety program and explains how to implement one.
