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CASA Welcomes New Chair and Two New Members to Board of Directors

Saskatoon, October 14, 2015: The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) welcomes a new Chair to the CASA Board of Directors, along with two new board members for 2015–2016.

Wendy Bennett Executive Director of British Columbia’s Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA), takes on the role of Chair. This is Bennett’s second year on the CASA Board of Directors and the first as Chair.

“The health and safety of Canadian farmers is critically important to the well-being of the industry. As Chair of CASA I will bring two decades of experience in occupational health and safety to the table, working with the Board and other CASA partners to continue to make safety a priority on farms and ranches across Canada,” says Bennett.

Bennett replaces outgoing Chair Dean Anderson (Strategic Advisor Agriculture Initiatives, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services), who assumes the role of Treasurer.

Bennett and Anderson are joined by first-time CASA Board members Carolyn Van Den Heuvel (NSFA Farm Safety Coordinator, Farm Safety Nova Scotia), and Jeff Shaw (SAFE Farm Coordinator, SAFE Work Manitoba).

Anderson, Van Den Heuvel and Shaw were acclaimed to the Board of Directors at “Be the Difference!” CASA’s 21st annual farm safety conference and AGM held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan this past October 6 to 8, 2015.

Existing Board member David Powers (Director, Health, Safety & Environment, Oxford Frozen Foods) takes on the role of Vice-Chair, while former Vice-Chair Tara Huestis (Farm Safety Specialist, PEI Workers Compensation Board) continues on as Board member. Niels Koehncke (Director, Canadian Centre for Health & Safety in Agriculture) continues on in the role of Secretary.

CASA’s Board of Directors would like to extend a tremendous thank you to outgoing Treasurer Lauranne Sanderson (Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus) for her many years of service, and outgoing interim Board member Martin Caron (Second Vice-President, L’Union des producteurs agricoles), who stepped in for former Board member Denis Bilodeau (Second Vice-President – retired, L’Union des producteurs agricoles) in 2014–2015.

CASA has been organizing agricultural safety conferences for over two decades to bring stakeholders together to work towards improving safety and encouraging safe behaviour on Canadian farms. Approximately 65 farmers, safety professionals, suppliers, trainers, manufacturers and researchers took part in the conference this year. Thank you to 2015 conference supporters: the Government of Canada through Growing Forward 2, CHS, Farm Credit Canada, Imperial Oil, DuPont Pioneer, Monsanto, BASF, CropLife Canada, Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association, John Deere, MacDon and New Holland. For more information on CASA activities, check out CASA’s Annual Report for 2014–2015 at www.casa-acsa.ca/annual-reports. Presentations from the conference will be available on the CASA website in the coming weeks.


For more information contact:

Robin Anderson
Communications Officer
1- 877-452-2272