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Farm Safety Conference to Focus on Being the Difference

Winnipeg, September 10, 2015: The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) will hold its annual conference and AGM in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from October 6-8, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn. The conference theme, Be the Difference will showcase safety professionals, equipment manufacturers and researchers who are making a difference to safety and health in North America’s agricultural community.

Marcel Hacault is the Executive Director of CASA. “Be the Difference will showcase the excellent work being done for farm safety,” he says. “Participants will have the opportunity to network and to learn about new and ongoing farm safety initiatives.”

The conference opens with a welcoming reception Tuesday evening featuring Saskatchewan’s newest agricultural safety initiatives. On Wednesday, conference participants will attend a variety of sessions focusing on the challenges of building a culture of safety. Wes Jamison, an Associate Professor of Communications at Palm Beach Atlantic University, will speak about building persuasive messaging for the agricultural industry. Rounding out Wednesday, participants will be able to see first-hand how a manufacturer is building safety into agricultural machinery with a tour of CNH’s manufacturing plant. Thursday features Eldeen Pozniak, the 2011 Canada Safety Professional of the year as the keynote speaker presenting on safety culture.

“This year’s conference is all about taking ownership of farm safety,” says Hacault. “Participants will be challenged to be the difference in the year to come in their organizations, businesses, and farms.”

Approximately 70 participants are expected to participate in the conference. The deadline for the special conference rate at the Hilton Garden Inn is in effect until Friday, September 18. Call 877 782 9444 to reserve your accommodations. To register or for more information visit http://conference.casa-acsa.ca.

CASA has been organizing agricultural safety conferences for over 20 years to bring stakeholders together to work towards improving safety and encouraging safe behavior on Canadian farms. Thank you to 2015 conference supporters: CHS, Farm Credit Canada, Imperial Oil, DuPont Pioneer, Monsanto, BASF, CropLife Canada, FARSHA, John Deere, MacDon, and New Holland Agriculture.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and safety of farmers, their families and agricultural workers. CASA is funded in part by Growing Forward 2, a federal, provincial and territorial initiative and receives additional support from the agricultural and corporate sectors. For more information, visit www.casa-acsa.ca, find us on Facebook or LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter @planfarmsafety.


For more information, please contact:

Robin Anderson, Communications Officer

