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Farm Safety Resources for Kids!
The value of hard work, a sense of responsibility and pride in a job well done are characteristics that all parents want to nurture in their children. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing your child accomplish great things through hard work and determination.
Farm kids are lucky because they see first-hand how to accomplish tasks successfully, be stewards of land and livestock, and take pride in hard work.
Below are a number of resources to help your farm family grow, thrive and stay safe.

Spot the Dangers Colouring Sheets
Can you spot the dangers?
Farms are a great place to live and visit, but there are dangers that can hurt you and other people on the farm! Be aware and be careful. Spot the dangers, talk about them with your family and remember #FarmSafetyEveryday!
Download these colouring sheets and answer key.

Season to Season, Watch for Farm Machinery
Farm machinery is an important part of the farm, but it can be dangerous!
Each year, children are seriously injured by farm machinery, this colouring sheet is a great way to start discussions about how to stay safe.
Playing Safe on the Farm!
Toolbox Talks for Kids
Growing up on the farm is the best! It’s a great place to learn about food and animals and about how everything grows! Even though living and playing on the farm is awesome, we still have to be careful. After all, a farm isn’t a playground, it’s a place where very important work gets done.
Download this Toolbox Talk for Kids and customize it to fit your family and your farm.
Farm Safety Contract for Kids and Parents
Do you want your child to keep safety in mind? Get them to sign on the dotted line!
Are you wondering what activities are appropriate for youth working in agriculture? Or would you like to know how to better protect and supervise youth while working on agriculture operations?
Youth doing work that doesn’t match their developmental level and abilities increases the risk of injury. Children, teens, and adults working on farms face hazards not encountered in other jobs. Use these guidelines to help determine if a youth is ready to perform a job and learn more about hazards and keeping working youth safe.
Creating Safe Play Areas
Daily Learning Drop Series
Progressive Agriculture Safety Days®
These Daily Learning Drops offer various safety and health-related activities and demonstrations using a fun, unique and hands-on approach.