1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Past Grants

Canadian Agricultural Safety and Health Program (CASHP)

From almost two decades (1995 to 2013), CASA supported the development of farm safety resources across Canada via the Canadian Agricultural Safety and Health Program (CASHP), a federal government-supported granting initiative. The 2012–2013 funding cycle marked the final installment of this grant. Between 2009 and 2013, over $1 million was distributed to over 50 projects via CASHP, attracting additional contributions from businesses or other partners that boosted overall project funding to more than $1.8 million.

Projects dating back to 2007 are listed on the CASA website. For more information on individual projects or to obtain a copy of resources developed, contact CASA or the project lead.

Project Name Organization Name Target Audience Contact Person
Horse Behaviour, Handling and Safety Training Program: Online Workshop and Train the Trainer Kit Equine Guelph National Henrietta Coole 519-824-4120 ext. 56727
Pre-operation and First Aid Assessment Training: Using Mobile Phone and Web Apps with Computer Database to Conduct Pre-operation Inspections and First Aid Assessments Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA) Provincial Kris Johnson 604-881-6078
Safe Farms Safe Families: Agricultural Health and Safety Project Manitoba Farmers with Disabilities Provincial Jill Stafford 204-436-3181
Development of an Online Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Training Course Prairie Swine Centre National Ken Engele 306-667-7444
Foreign Worker Safety Orientation Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture Provincial Charlotte Crooks 902-368-7289 ext.223
A New Approach to Farm Safety Communications: Workshop Prototype and Program Development Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (University of Guelph) National Owen Roberts 519-824-4120 ext. 58278
Training in the Safe use of Tractors and Self-Propelled Machines on the Farm Union des producteurs agricoles Provincial Diane Fortin 450-679-0540 ext. 8388
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience Contact Person
The Quick ’n Dirty 2 – a short guide to farm survival Alberta Centre for Injury Control and Research Provincial Patti Stark 780-492-2330
Respiratory Health & Safety Resource & DVD Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture Provincial John Gordon 306-966-8292
Television B-Roll Canadian Federation of Agriculture National Karen de Blois 613-822-0016
Pioneer Toolbox Talks (8 for ag & 2 for media) Canadian Federation of Agriculture National Karen de Blois 613-822-0016
Theme (yr 2) Article Series Canadian Federation of Agriculture National Karen de Blois 613-822-0016
Danger Detective on the Horse Farm Kids Equine Safety Series – Online Interactive Tool (Part II of Multi-Year Application) Equine Guelph National Henrietta Coole 519-824-4120 ext. 56727
Seaonal Agricultural Worker Program ( SAWP): Orientation and Training for Guest Workers Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA) Provincial Kristoffer Johnson 604- 881-6078
Farm Machine Extrication Course Killam Volunteer Fire Fighters Asscociation Local Provincial National Kim Cannady 780-384-4100
Quebec 4-H Travelling Safety Days Quebec 4-H Association/ Association 4-H du Quebec Provincial Lorelei Muller 514-398-8738
Nova Scotia Farm Safety Outreach Initiative Society of Farm Safety Nova Scotia Provincial Ralph Baxter 902-892-2293
Je forme ma main-d’oeuvre agricole en santé et sécurité/Training my employees in agricultural health and safety Union des Producteurs Agricoles Provincial Diane Fortin 450-679-0540 ext. 8388
Project Name Contact Name Phone Number Target Audience
Planning for a Farm Safety Association in Nova Scotia
Organization: Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture
Henry Vissers (902) 893-2293 Nova Scotia
Phase II-PEI Farm Safety and the Highway Traffic Act Education Project
Organization: Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture
Tim Seeber (902) 368-7289 Prince Edward Island
Rural Safety Sense – DVD and on-line farm safety training materials – Videography
Organization: Alberta Farm Safety Centre
Laura Nelson (403) 752-4585 Alberta
Seasonal Theme Messages – Monthly Farm Safety Articles on theme “Plan-Farm-Safety”
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Rural Safety Sense – DVD and on-line farm safety training materials – 3D imaging
Organization: Alberta Farm Safety Centre
Laura Nelson (403) 752-4585 Alberta
The Farm Safety Plan – Growing Forward with Train-the-Trainer workshops
Organization: Canadian Centre for Health & Safety in Agriculture
John Gordon
Bonita Mechor
(306) 966-6647 Saskatchewan
I’m committed to act: I do my inspection tour of the farm
Organization: Union des Producteurs Agricoles
Diane Fortin (450) 679-0540 Quebec
Television B-roll
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Orchard-Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP)
Organization: Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association
Bruce Johnson (604) 881-6078 British Columbia
4H Quebec Regional Farm Safety Days
Organization: Quebec 4H Association
Lorelei Muller (514) 398-8738 Provincial
Developing a Safer Grain Auger Intake Guard
Organization: Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)
Jim Wassermann (306) 682-5033 x223 National
Danger Detective on the Horse Farm: Kids Equine Safety Series – Activity Book (Yr1)
Organization: Equine Guelph
Henriette Cole (519) 824-4120 National
Farmers with Disablities DVD
Organization: Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
Bill Thibodeau (306) 374-4448 Provincial
Site Web de la Mutuelle de prévention de l’UPA
Organization: Union des producteurs
Diane Fortin (450) 679-0540 Provincial
3M-Pioneer Distribution of Respirators & Promotion of Respiratory Protection
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Project Name Contact Name Phone Number Target Audience
Factors contributing to pto entanglements
Organization: University of Manitoba
Danny Mann (204) 474-7149 National
Update on the Current Canadian Farm Safety Situation: A workshop
Organization: Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture
Kendra Ulmer
Johanne Asselin
(306) 966-6643 or
(306) 966-1356
Farm Safety Showcases
Organization: Manitoba Farmers with Disabilites
Jill Stafford (204) 436-3181 Manitoba
Seasonal Messages – Monthly Farm Safety Articles
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Low Stress Cattle Handling Train-the-Trainer Workshop Series
Organization: Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture
Bonita Mechor (306) 966-6647 Saskatchewan
Compile Television B-roll (4 segments)
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Confined Space Control Program for Agriculture
Organization: Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA)
Scott Fraser (604) 881-6078 British Columbia
Danger Detective on the Horse Farm
Organization: Equine Guelph
Henrietta Coole (519) 824-4120 ext. 56727 Regional
Canadian Compendium of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) & Training Materials for Machine Operation
Organization: Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Dave Shanahan
Elizabeth Rankin
(416) 747-2586 National
Pioneer-3M Distribution of Ear Plugs and Promotion of Hearing Protection
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Farm Safety – through the eyes of youth
Organization: 4-H Ontario
Lyndon Stewart (519) 824-0101 National
Seeing with new eyes: Children’s perspective on farm safety
Organization: University of Manitoba
Margaret Friesen (204) 789-3864 Regional
Planning for a Farm Safety Association in Nova Scotia
Organization: Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture
Henry Vissers (902) 893-2293 Nova Scotia
PEI Farm Safety and the Highway Traffic Act Education Project
Organization: PEI Federation of Agriculture
Tim Seeber (902) 368-7289 PEI
Provincial Safety Smarts : School-based farm safety program
Organization: Alberta Farm Safety Centre
Laura Nelson (403) 752-4585 Alberta
Project Name Contact Name Phone Number Target Audience
Greenhouse Electric Picking Cart – Guarding
Organization: Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA)
Bruce Johnson (604) 881-6078 British Columbia
Mushroom Picking Platform – Guarding
Organization: Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA)
Bruce Johnson (604) 881-6078 British Columbia
2009 Safety Week: Using PPE in the farm shop
Organization: UPA
Diane Fortin (450) 679-0530 ext. 8388 Quebec
Low Stress Livestock Handling Workshop
Organization: Manitoba Forage Council
Pam Iwanchysko (204) 648-3965 Manitoba
Saskatchewan Agriculture Producer’s Day
Organization: Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture
Kendra Ulmer (306) 966-6643 Saskatchewan
Low Stress Livestock Handling For Women
Organization: Border Agricultural Stewardship Association (BASA)
Juanita Kopp (204) 825-4302 Manitoba
Farm and Rural Stress Lines – organizing to link stress to health and safety
Organization: The Farm Line Support Service
Susan Klein-Swormink (613) 774-5404 National
Farm Safety and Health Seminar
Organization: Keystone Agricultural Producers
Glen Blahey (204) 945-2315 Manitoba
Safety City Farm Safety
Organization: Grande Prairie & Area Safe Communities Committee
Carla Shkwarok (780) 402-2818 Local
A Safety Resource for Farmers: Building Nova Scotia’s Capacity to Farm Safely
Organization: Rural Research Centre
Lauranne Sanderson (902) 893-6706 Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Farm Tractor Safety Training Program and Exhibition Safety Campaign
Organization: Nova Scotia Farm Health and Safety Committee
Arthur Pick (902) 893-6587 Nova Scotia
Saskatchewan Alliance for Safety and Health in Agriculture (SASHA) Strategic and Operational Planning
Organization: Saskatchewan Alliance for Safety and Health in Agriculture
Patty Williams (306) 697-4026 Saskatchewan
2009 Farm Safety Theme “PPE – use, fit and access” Radio PSAs
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Pioneer Farm Safety On-line Photo Library
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Case Study Training – Template
Organization: Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA)
Bruce Johnson (604) 881-6078 British Columbia
Development of the North American Guidebook for Safe Implement Hitching
Organization: Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)
James Wassermann, P.Eng. (306) 682-5033 ext. 223 National
Project Name Contact Name Phone Number Target Audience
Mic Safety Mouse Kids’ Farm Safety Program (KFSP)
Organization: Daysland and District Agricultural Society
Marion Leithead (780) 373 2467 Alberta
Towards a National Occupational Health & Safety Management System Standard for the Canadian Agricultural Industry
Organization: Canadian Standards Association
Jeanne Bank (416) 747-4363 National
Jacob – Promoting On Farm Safety
Organization: Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture
John Moores (709) 747-8311 Newfoundland
Safety Practices Around Animals – Showcase and Resource Materials
Organization: Manitoba Farmers with Disabilities
Jilleen Stafford (204) 436-3181 Manitoba
Development of Safety Training Modules for Young Farm Workers – Phase 1
Organization: Safe Communities Coalition of Central Alberta
Karen Spruyt (403) 346-8101 Alberta
Sleepless in Saskatchewan DVD Package
Organization: Canadian Centre of Health and Safety in Agriculture
Kendra Ulmer (306) 966-6643 Saskatchewan
Nova Scotia Farm Safety Audit and Outreach Initiative
Organization: Nova Scotia Farm Health and Safety Committee
Arthur Pick (902) 893-6587 Nova Scotia
Territorial Farmers Association Northern Agricultural Safety Workshop
Organization: Territorial Farmers Association
Evellyn Coleman (867) 874-4706 Northwest Territories
Farm Safety Theme “Sprains & Strains” Segments on AgVision TV
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0017 Regional
Activités Semaine de prévention 2008 : Prévenir les troubles musculo-squelettiques (Preventing musculoskeletal injuries)
Organisation: Union des producteurs agricoles
Diane Fortin (450) 679-0540 Quebec
Pioneer Machine Maintenance Record Decal
Organization: Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Theresa Whalen (613) 822-0016 National
Pilot Project for 50 ROPS in BC Farm and Ranch
Organization: Safety and Health Association (FARSHA)
Bruce Johnson (604) 881 6078 British Columbia
PEI Farm Health and Safety Program
Organization: PEI Federation of Agriculture
Ian MacIsaac (902) 368 7289 ext. 224 Prince Edward Island
Growing Safely with Strathcona County
Organization: Strathcona County
Dawn Green (780) 416-6726 Local
Saskatchewan Agricultural Health and Safety Communication Day
Organization: Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture
Kendra Ulmer (306) 966-6643 Saskatchewan
Train the Trainer Animal Safety Handling Workshops
Organization: Ste Rose Ag Rep District Soil Conservation Group
Nicole Sraybash (204) 447-0376 Local
Train the Trainer for Ag Safety and Health
Organization: Manitoba Association of Agricultural Societies
Curtis Evenson (204) 746-8186 Regional
Interactive Multi-media Farm Safety
Organization: Olds College
Neil French (403) 556-4714 Alberta

FCC Ag Safety Fund

From 2010 to 2016, CASA and Farm Credit Canada partnered to create the FCC Ag Safety Fund, a grant that helped charitable and non-profit groups deliver agricultural safety training to famers and/or their workers across Canada through a direct training or train the trainer model. Over the life of the granting program, over $450,000 was distributed to groups across Canada. Projects dating back to 2011 are listed on the CASA website. For more information on individual projects, contact CASA or the lead organization.
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience
Youth ATV Safety Awareness

This one-day program is designed to train the youth operator in the safe and efficient use of an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). This course includes: group discussions; several instructors giving demonstrations on ATV use and control; one-on-one instruction on a practical, closed course. Emphasis will be giving on safe and practical operation skills. Examples of helmets, body protection gear and clothing will be reviewed.

Athabasca District Agricultural Society Provincial
Implementing the Alberta FarmSafe Plan for Individualized OHS for Alberta’s Farms

The intention is to reach 60-90 producers through the workshops; these producers will leave the workshops with skills to implement OHS plans on their own farms, increasing the number of individuals who are able to make their farms more safe in the province of Alberta. Producers will spend an entire day learning about OHS and will in be contact with Farm Safety Consultants.The main premise of the workshops is to bring together producers and trained Farm Safety Professionals to increase the overall amount of producers educated in OHS; including but not limited to assessing hazards associated with large farm machinery, investigating incidents related to farm accidents with machinery, and keeping proper records of maintenance.

Alberta Crop Commissions Provincial
Farm Safety Sessions

Two courses will be offered in Kneehill County, each course will take place in a different location and all will be offered for a reasonable rate. Lunch will be provided for the full day sessions (ATV Safety). Childcare will be offered at the First Aid session. The goal is to eliminate as many barriers as possible and to make it accessible to as many people as possible. “First on The Scene” A farm first aid course will be offered in the Three Hills, Trochu, Linden and Acme it is anticipated that 100 people would attend. An ATV Safety Training Certificate course will be offered at the Linden Cultural Centre – there will be two sessions ran for 8 people per session. By offering these courses locally for a reasonable rate the number of trained people will increase significantly.

Kneehill Adult Learning Society Provincial
Family Farm Safety Days

Farm Management Canada will coordinate the Family Farm Safety Days. An Ag Safety Expert will be hired to provide on-farm safety demonstrations, providing training and practical hands-on experience to both adults and children through interactive safety lessons. Instructors will also provide information on resources and tools available to assist in adopting on-farm safety practices.

This event will increase the number of people trained in agricultural safety, specifically families, as attendees will learn more about farm safety and age appropriate tasks for youth on farms. The program will also increase the number of people equipped with the tools and resources to help educate others in farm safety.

Farm Management Canada (FMC) Provincial
Train the Trainer Workshop for Farm Employers

This workshop is primarily for employers to facilitate their ability to train workers. The majority of Farms in the region (Niagara) where the workshop is planned are tender fruit growers, so they rely heavily on seasonal workers from both domestic and offshore sources. Many farmers are familiar with their machinery, however, they have not had the training to make them proficient at training new workers, especially if English is not their employee’s first language. The intent is to empower employers to be better equipped to train new workers around the machinery hazards in their workplaces.

Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) Provincial
Forklift Safety

The PEI Federation of Agriculture will schedule forklift courses for current farm employees as well as future employees entering the agriculture workforce. The PEI Federation of Agriculture will meet with project partners to develop content for a safety video which will be used as instruction for safe forklift operation when traveling on roadways. The video will include proper lighting requirements and road travel instruction.

PEI Federation of Agriculture Provincial
Training – Accident Prevention Related to Grain Silos

The content of the training will be developed by UPA in collaboration with CSST and the Ministry of Health. Specialists in rescue and grain storage and legal specialists will also contribute. The tools developed will include documentation, PowerPoint presentations, video testimonials and videos showing the operation and rescue from a grain silo, case studies of accidents with moving parts and entrapment, methods of prevention, lockout, etc. All the material will deal with the risks and prevention methods for both work methods and innovations in the field of equipment for grain silos. When the content is completed, it will be presented at the Colloque des partenaires de la de la santé et de la sécurité en agriculture on January 21, 2016, in order to train the regional UPA safety coordinators, CSST inspectors and those in charge of agricultural education. The presentations will be given by expert speakers. Subsequently, the UPA regional safety coordinators will organize training workshops for farmers and workers of their area (Central Quebec) throughout 2016. These workshops will be organized in collaboration with CSST inspectors and nurses from the local Occupational Health Network. Each workshop should reach between 10 and 30 producers and agricultural workers.

Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA): Eastern; Central; Western Provincial
Farm Safety Day

Farm Safety Day will provide Grade 6 to 9 students in rural Alberta an opportunity to acquire skills and to enhance awareness in regards to safe agricultural practices. The aim is to promote farm safety education for youth and raising awareness about the need for safety in the agricultural community. The objective is to present awareness and skills training to youth on relevant topics such as rollovers, crush injuries, and large equipment safety.

Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited Provincial
Farm Safety: The First Steps

Farm Safety: The First Steps will address:

  • Farm Safety Planning: Once participants have completed the workshop they will have the knowledge to begin developing an effective farm safety plan for their own operation. Before a producer worries about implementing a farm safety plan it is crucial to first develop this knowledge. If thought and consideration are not put into this process then it will be bound to fail.
  • Hazard Assessment/On Farm Health and Safety Inspections: Before a hazard can be eliminated or minimized it must first be identified. On most agriculture operations there are an extremely high number of hazards, many which are not properly identified. Before a person can be trained on how to deal with a hazard on their operation they need to understand what presents a hazard.
  • Training New Workers: Many agriculture operations have a number of workers at any given time. Whether these workers are part time or full time, hired or family members it is very important for operations to develop and effectively implement consistent training procedures.
Rochester and District Agricultural Society Provincial
Community Safety Day

Training will be on a walk-in basis filled with demonstrations and fun activities to really drive home the importance. It will increase drastically the amount of persons trained as there is currently very few sessions in our area.

St. Mary’s Sexsmith School Booster Club & Sexsmith and District Agricultural  Society Provincial
Tractor Operator Safety Training: In Class and Video Training

The videos will be developed in Spring and Summer of 2016. They will be incorporated into the curriculum of the Dalhousie Tractor Operator Course for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. The Tractor Course will be delivered in 4 locations (as demand requires) and are tentatively set for Middleton, Port Williams, Truro and Antigonish. The videos will also be made available through a Farm Safety NS YouTube Channel so that farmers are able to access the Tractor Training Safety Videos to be used on-farm during their in-house training. This will ensure that all tractor training, whether in-house or third-party delivery, will be delivered using accurate and up-to-date information on legislated safety practices related to tractor operation.

Farm Safety Nova Scotia Provincial
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience
Provincial Rally and Year-long Tractor Safety

Quebec 4-H will adopt Tractor Safety as a recurring theme for 2015. The project will progress throughout the year from the provision of safety information to an on-ground pre-operation check session to an on-tractor experience. Throughout the year, Quebec 4-H will dedicate a portion of its bi-monthly newsletter to tractor safety. Monthly posts will be made to the Quebec 4-H Facebook page with imagery and content to catch the attention of youth, providing safety information directly and/or links to appropriate websites. Tractor safety will be included in the annual Quebec 4-H Provincial Rally in the form of a clinic covering the procedures for an on-ground pre-operation check and as a part of the judging competition assessing life skills and identification. The year will culminate with two tractor safety workshops offered in different regions in the autumn of 2015.

 Quebec 4-H  Provincial
Machinery Safety Training Workshops

Approximately 10 training workshops will be offered to agricultural producers through each of the regional UPA federations. The training content will be developed by UPA in collaboration with CSST and the Ministry of Health. The tools developed will be simple and practical and will include PowerPoint presentations, videos and case studies. Training will begin with a train-the-trainer workshop focusing on the health and safety elements of accident prevention related to moving parts. Following the train-the-trainer workshop, regional prevention officers will organize training workshops for farmers in UPA East, Center and West throughout 2015.

 L’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA): East; Center and West  Provincial
Tractor Operator Courses

Two Tractor Operator Courses will be offered to Nova Scotia farmers and farm workers. A one-day course will be designed and offered for those participants that have tractor operator experience and interested in a refresher. A two-day course will be designed for beginner tractor operators will little to no experience. These courses will provide farmers and farm workers the knowledge necessary to operate tractors in a safe and competent manner.

 Farm Safety Nova Scotia  Provincial
Tractor Operator Courses

Tractor Operator Courses will be offered to individuals in PEI who are in need of tractor safety training. These individuals could be those currently working on farms or those seeking employment in the agricultural industry. Through this training, participants will be educated on how to operate a tractor safely and properly. Training will include a hands-on component to expose participants to actual tractor operations. This training will prepare participants for the written test that is required to obtain a tractor licence in Prince Edward Island.

 Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture  Provincial
Tractor Operator Courses

Approximately 80 Agriculture Diploma students and 10 farm workers at the University of Manitoba research farm will receive hands-on, practical training in machinery operation. Students returning to their farms will be able to share this knowledge and provide training to their family and workers on their farms. The 10 research farm workers will be training summer staff and other new farm workers. Training will also be provided for 20 agricultural producers who will provide feedback for future safety workshop development and delivery.

 University of Manitoba  Provincial
National Integrated Safety Standard Operating Procedures Train-the-Trainer Workshops

This project will train students in the best practices to develop Standard Operating Procedures for tractor and machinery operation. It will include classroom training on CASA’s Safety Standard Operating Procedures Training Module as well as hands on exercises with students developing their own SOPs for their tractor and machinery. The initial session will be facilitated by a trained instructor. Future sessions will rely on trained volunteers to facilitate the group exercises on developing additional SOPs for tractor and machinery. Students will be encouraged to share their SOPs with other students to increase the number of SOPs available to all participants.

 Canadian Farmers With Disabilities Registry (CFWDR)  National
Operator Course

The Operator Course will address the need for training on blueberry harvesting machines. The Operator Course will be developed in collaboration with industry experts, producers and representation from both Farm Safety Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Community College. The Operator Course will have a significant emphasis on safety as there are many risks involved with the use of such large specialized equipment. The course will increase the number of safety and competent blueberry harvester operators in Nova Scotia.

 Wild Blueberry Nova Scotia  Provincial
Rollover, Runover & Entrapment Train-the-Trainer Workshops

CCHSA will develop materials and facilitate training to provide agricultural organizations and individuals with a useable training manual and electronic resource to specifically promote safety in the areas of machinery rollovers, runovers and entanglements. The project will develop an exceptional half day course that uses case study methods to teach prevention strategies for machinery rollovers, runovers and entanglements. Two pilot train-the-trainer workshops will be facilitated in Saskatchewan. Each person attending will receive the training materials that will give them everything that they need to present this workshop on site.

 Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA)  Provincial
Integrated Safety Standard Operating Procedures Workshops

A two day workshop series will be organized and delivered by NBYFF to train its members in the importance of tractor and machinery safety and the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to manage critical risk control points. The first workshop will consist of an overview of farm machinery operation safety and the importance of developing SOPs. Participants will be asked to complete a series of SOPs specific to their farm operation. Participants will reconvene for the second workshop to share the results of their on-farm efforts to develop a tractor and machinery safety plan.

 New Brunswick Young Farmer’s Forum (NBYFF)  Provincial
Tractor Operator Courses

FARSHA will provide education to farmers and commodity groups that will enable them to train their staff on basic agricultural safety principles, how to recognize and assess hazards associated with the use of this machinery and how to apply hazard prevention and control measures. FARSHA will deliver train-the-trainer sessions for farmers to ensure that they are able to train their own staff. This training will be available to all farmers in each of the regional areas, expanding FARSHA’s training reach.

 Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA): Vancouver Island; Okanagan; Kootenay;  Cariboo; Peace; Central and Lower  Provincial
Tractor Operator Courses

The 4-H program will partner with the Manitoba Rocky Mountain Equipment (RME) dealerships and with SAFE Work Manitoba to develop and deliver a series of workshops at different RME locations in the province on equipment safety training through 2015 and 2016. The training will be geared toward members and leaders who are of an appropriate age and in a position to operate large and small equipment on a regular basis.

 Manitoba 4-H Council  Provincial
Agricultural Equipment Panel

A co-funded Agricultural Equipment Panel will be convened to look at dealing with unsafe equipment being brought into Nova Scotia. The main objective of this project is to identify key barriers related to manufactured and imported equipment and to determine a feasible approval process for this agricultural equipment used on Nova Scotia farms.

 Farm Safety Nova Scotia  Provincial
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience
Milk House Safety

This program will provide prevention education to Island farmers and their employees on the need for safe work practices and procedures in milk houses, particularly in regards to chemical safety. Two PEIFA staff members will be trained to deliver Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHIMIS) training farmers and employees. As well, a PEIFA staff person will be made available to provide on-farm visits to milk house safety rooms in order to review safety needs including material safety data sheets (MSDS), first aid kits, eye wash stations, PPE, emergency contact information and chemical separation. Finally, PEIFA will produce a short video reviewing safe maintenance procedures in milk houses, which will be shared with the dairy industry across PEI and Canada.

Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture  Provincial
Agricultural Mechanization and Safety

The University of Guelph will develop and deliver a farm safety training program to agricultural students from the Ridgetown and Kemptville campuses. This training program will cover farm hazard assessments, road safety, and tractor and equipment safety and will become integrated into existing curricula. The program will also be adapted into a short course made available to farmers across Ontario as well as farm workers connected with the Ridgetown and Kemptville Campus research farms.

University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus  Provincial
Manual Tree Felling Safety on Agricultural Land

L’Union des producteurs agricoles will develop and run a series of prevention workshops aimed at educating agricultural producers and workers about the risks, hazards, and safe work procedures associated with manual tree felling on agricultural land. The training content will be developed by the UPA in collaboration with la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) and the Quebec Ministry of Health.

L’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA)  Provincial
Community Safety Day

The Bezanson Agricultural Society will be running a one-day community Safety Day made up of three training components: food handling safety, First Aid on the farm, and equine and livestock handling safety. The programming is designed to provide prevention education to agricultural workers, farmers, youth and the rural community at large.

Bezanson Agricultural Society  Provincial
On-Farm Safety Program

The Battle River Research Group will hold three educational workshops/demonstrations on farm safety focusing on prevention information to farmers and their families in east-central Alberta.

Battle River Research Group  Provincial
National Train-the-Trainer Program for Educating the Canadian Agricultural Industry on Current Occupational Health & Safety Practices

The CFWDR will hold four one-day training sessions across Canada for CFWDR volunteers on the latest occupational health and safety methodology and practices. This training will then enable CFWDR volunteers to attend various agricultural events across the country, conducting farm safety presentations and educating and training rural community members in the latest occupational health and safety principles and teaching practices.

Canadian Farmers With Disabilities Registry (CFWDR)  National
Bear Safety Training for Southwestern Alberta Ranch Families

The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association will conduct a pilot project focused on providing training and resources to farmers, their families, and farm workers in southwestern Alberta focused on safety concerns associated with farmer-bear conflicts. The pilot will focus on reducing these conflicts by identifying key areas of concern, reviewing risk minimization activities, and how to respond to a bear encounter.

Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association  Provincial
Grain Bin Rescue Training

Farm Safety Nova Scotia will coordinate the delivery of a four-day grain bin entrapment/engulfment rescue training program to rural fire departments and farmers/farmworkers in Nova Scotia to help individuals effectively respond to grain bin entrapments. It is anticipated that the training will increase awareness of grain bin entrapment risks and appropriate emergency response procedures both for first responders and area farmers/farm workers in an effort to mitigate entrapment-related injuries and fatalities.

Farm Safety Nova Scotia  Provincial
Young Farmers, Safe Farmers

MFWD will deliver four farm safety training workshops geared towards Manitoba farmers, their families, and farm workers including safe ATV use for children and parents, farm tractor safety and hazard identification for young adults, farm safety risk management and liabilities for adults, and age-appropriate tasks and safe play area awareness for farm parents. The intent will be to educate Manitoba farm families about safe farming practices and to provide them with the knowledge and resources to take action on safety in their own farm yards and lands.

Manitoba Farmers With Disabilities (MFWD)  Provincial
2014 Farm Safety for Kids

The Delia and District Agricultural Society will hold a youth training session focusing on risks and hazards specific to the localized farming community, in particular grain and cow/calf operations. Youth 10 and up will be trained in First Aid, chemical and respiratory safety, fire safety, electrical safety, and the safe operation of small and large machinery. Youth will leave the training session with a better understanding of the dangers and preventative measures associated with local production activities.

Delia and District Agricultural Society  Provincial
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience
Farm Safety Planning Equals Managing Farm Risk

An Agriwebinar® series of 5 bilingual webinars will be delivered focusing on farm safety. Topics include: National Farm Safety Strategy & Farm Safety in General (i.e. farm safety within business risk management); Canada FarmSafe Plan (Introductory) ; Ag Safety Equals Business Risk.

 Farm Management Canada  National
 Pig Handling Training Video

The Pork Council will produce a video in both official languages focusing on handling techniques for pigs while ensuring the safety and health of both the animal and worker. The video content will be guided by Canadian expertise ensuring a technically accurate resource for use across Canada.

 Manitoba Pork Council  National
Canada Farm Safety Train-the-trainer

The Saskatoon-based Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture will use this funding to promote the use of CASA’s FarmSafe Plan. The Plan will be adapted to suit local needs appropriately and effectively.

 Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture  Provincial
 Best Practices in Farm Safety

This program will identify safety training needs through a series of best practices discussions with growers. With the assistance of an experienced safety specialist, a standard safety training course will be developed and delivered throughout the province.

 Christmas Tree Council of Nova Scotia  Provincial
Turkey Industry Safe Work Practices Development

The FCC AgSafety Fund grant will be used to develop a Turkey Safe Work Practices Document to provide an industry specific methodology intended to significantly increase the likelihood of industry stakeholders meeting their respective occupational health and safety obligations at Ontario turkey farms.

The Document will essentially establish a baseline for safety in the workplace on turkey farms. Workplaces that adopt these practices will eliminate or, at the very least, reduce injuries and potential safety hazards to employees.

 Poultry Service Association  Provincial
Piloting the FarmSafe program in Quebec

The QFA proposes to introduce CASA’s FarmSafe program to English farmers in Quebec through a series of six articles in the QFA’s newspaper, a Farm Food Forum webinar in the winter of 2013 – 14, an information pamphlet on the FarmSafe program inserted in the Quebec Farmers’ Advocate plus a presentation at the QFA’s annual general meeting and information day in November 2013. All materials will be placed on the QFA website including a list of trainers for the FarmSafe program

 Quebec Farmers’ Association (QFA)  Provincial
Safety Smarts

The Safety Smarts program targets elementary students in over 500 rural and remote Alberta schools, bringing age appropriate farm safety messaging into their individual classrooms. Increased awareness of farm safety risks allows these children to make informed safety decisions to preserve the safety and health of their families and themselves.

 Raymond & District Futures Society  Provincial
Forklift Certification for Farm Operators and Farm Workers

This program’s goal is to train farm operators/ workers as certified forklift operators able to safely maintain and handle forklifts on the farm. This training will ensure a safer work environment for the operator and other agricultural workers in the immediate workplace.

 PEI AG Sector Council  Provincial
Training: The Safe Operation of Tractors and Motorized Handling Equipment

In collaboration with CSST and the Ministry of Health, UPA will develop new simple and practical farm safety instruction tools, including a tractor operating guide as well as an illustrated information document on rollovers. Approximately 780 people to deliver the programs will be trained throughout the year.

 Union des Producteurs Agricole (UPA)  Provincial
Young Farmers, Safer Farmers

A series of workshops will be presented for farmers in Manitoba focusing on: Farm Use ATV Safety for children and parents; Farm Tractor Safety and Hazard Identification For Young Adults; Farm Safety, Risk Management and Liabilities for Adults; Age appropriate tasks and hazard identification for children and parents.

 Manitoba Farmers with Disabilities  Provincial
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience
Canada FarmSafe Training

This project will train approximately 15 educators in the use of CASA’s Canada FarmSafe Plan, a farm safety business risk management tool. In 2013, a short course on the Canada FarmSafe plan will be offered to farmers, and a course on farm safety to agriculture students. The faculty will also implement training for all farm workers who are connected with the University of Manitoba’s research farm, and incorporate safety content in individual courses.

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Manitoba Provincial
Improving Transportation Safety for Nova Scotia Farmers

This program will develop a road safety training initiative for farmers, which will cover the latest transportation guidelines such as towing requirements, securing loads, proper lighting and signage, etc. A parallel public awareness campaign will focus on the need to use caution around farm vehicles and equipment on the road.

Farm Safety Nova Scotia Provincial
Valley Circle Farm Safety Education for Youth

This program aims to increase the number of trainers within the community who can train others – specifically students – in safe agricultural practices. Children from kindergarten to grade 12 will be trained on various farm safety topics including first aid, equipment awareness and use, as well as animal safety.

Fraser Cascade School District #78 Provincial
Sleepless in Manitoba

For this project, Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Services will partner with the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture and Farmers with Disabilities to host workshops focusing on the science of sleep. More specifically, the workshops will focus on the importance of improving sleep patterns in order to enhance overall well-being and reduce the risk of accident, injury or death on the farm connected with sleep deprivation.

Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Services Provincial
Agriculture Women Supervisor’s Health and Safety Training

This project will focus on improving the health and safety knowledge of farm workers in the Surrey area, who are primarily older, Indo-Canadian women who face significant language barriers and literacy challenges. Training will be provided in English, Punjabi and Hindi. The project aims to educate health and safety committee members who work in Surrey greenhouses, hot houses and nurseries in a variety of areas, including safe transportation, what constitutes a healthy facility, workplace stress, the proper use of protective equipment, bullying and addressing harassment in the workplace. Training these committee members (who are supervisors) in health and safety will enable them to better work with their peers, and uphold the best practices in their everyday work.

Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society (PICS) Provincial
Farm First Aid Training

This project will train English-speaking rural youth in first aid in their first language (which is English) and share this knowledge with family, friends, and other youth. A total of 42 participants will be certified in first aid on the farm between the fall of 2012 and the spring of 2013. Each participant will receive farm safety materials and mini first aid kits.

Quebec 4-H Association Provincial
Young Farm Worker Safety Workshop

This project will train young farm workers in farm safety areas such as farm hazard assessment, rural road safety, farm chemical safety, tractor rollover protection, large animal handling, equine safety, fire extinguisher training, ATV and small tool safety. Workshops include a combination of classroom and hands-on training.

Safe Communities Central Alberta Provincial
Santé et Sécurité au travail : Accueillir, former et superviser

This program will offer 30 training sessions to agricultural producers on topics such as onboarding, training and supervision in occupational health and safety. Participants will also be provided with a training guide and training tools.

L’Union des Producteurs Agricoles Provincial
Farm Safety Walkabout Workshops

This project will offer 12 farm safety workshops to producers across Saskatchewan with a focus on assisting them in the development of farm safety plans. Instruction will be based on a farm safety plan, which will be given to participants at the end of each workshop.

University of Saskatchewan Provincial
Project Name Organization Name Target Audience
Farm Safety Workshops

Information Workshops on farm inspections that help identify and evaluate risks and indicate appropriate control measures.

Union des producteurs agricoles Provincial
Hazard & Risk Training

Provide training for farm owners and operators on how to use and conduct facility-specific hazard and risk assessments, enabling them to train their employees on safe work practices. These will be developed from commodity-specific hazard and risk assessments being conducted by the PEI Federation of Agriculture.

PEI Federation of Agriculture Provincial
ATV Safety Strategy

Train farm and rural families on the safe use of All-Terrain-Vehicles (ATVs). An increased number of farm and rural families are using ATVs within their farm operations on a daily basis with limited training and knowledge of operating them safely. In addition to this training, the program will offer “Train-the-trainer” workshops within the province to build capacity. This strategy will allow us to extend the reach, with an increased number of certified trainers within the province following this training.

MAFRI Provincial
General Health and Safety Services

A web based e-learning package with content focused on health and safety for new farm workers. The content is intended for workers on farms of all sizes including, but not limited to, new farmers, young farmers, migrant workers and people learning new tasks and processes. There will be a focus on recognizing hazards, understanding rights and responsibilities under occupational health and safety law, and working safely ─ both general principles and specific hazards.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety National
Safe Livestock Handling

This training program will focus on food safety, safe livestock handling, animal safety, and proper vaccination procedures.

Lundar Agricultural Society Provincial
Farm Safety Plans

This program will facilitate motivational and instructional workshops to motivate farmers to develop their farm safety plans. It will provide participants with the Farm Safety Plan workbook, additional farm safety modules, and other farm safety resources. It will also recruit new trainers and provide them with instruction and training materials to help others with their Farm Safety Plans.

Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture Provincial
Snake, bear and tick safety

To develop safety and management best practice guidelines pertaining to three species of concern to outdoor agricultural workers. These guidelines will be distributed/communicated through the following channels: 1) industry meetings, 2) special training sessions for field advisors and safety committees, 3)industry newsletters, magazines, and websites.

Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance Provincial
Farm First Aid Training

First Aid on the Farm is a certified training program for participants ages 12 and older and provides a one-day (6.5 hour) overview of first aid, providing theory and hands-on skills, with content geared toward farming families.

Farm Safety Youth Seminars – a training seminar for youth, ages 5 – 11, will provide a 2.5 – 3 hour introduction to farm safety, focusing on awareness, prevention, and response to injuries, utilizing basic first aid skills.

St. John Ambulance Provincial
Safety Programs for Ornamental Growers

This program will address the need for safety prevention programs for growers in horticulture. It will develop and deliver a training program customized to the specific needs of this sector and will create awareness of the Ontario Health and Safety Association’s safety requirements. An adult learning curriculum will be developed and training materials and workbooks for the program will be provided.

Landscape Ontario Horticutlural Trades Association Provincial