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More kids to learn farm safety skills at Progressive Agriculture Safety Days in Canada this year

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  • More kids to learn farm safety skills at Progressive Agriculture Safety Days in Canada this year

For immediate release

May 17, 2010, Winnipeg: More than 12,000 rural kids are learning to be safer on the farm at 53 Progressive
Agriculture Safety Days® in Canada this year. They’re joined by almost 3,000 volunteers who organize the
events and lead activities to help make farm and ranch life safer and healthier for children.

“Our numbers are up about four thousand kids and at least a thousand adults this year,” says Marcel Hacault,
executive director of the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association. The Association (CASA) provides logistical
support for Safety Days across the country. Hacault credits word of mouth endorsements for the jump in
program numbers.

Annie Gagnon of Trois Rivières, Quebec, agrees. She’s a first time co-ordinator and she says she’s all set for
“her” Safety Day in early June. “The Safety Day program is a great opportunity to get involved in your
community,’’ she adds. “’Every year, people are hurt by agricultural equipment, and that’s why talking about
injury prevention is important, to teach as many people as possible.”

The Trois Rivières Safety Day will focus on 10 of the 29 teaching modules available in the program that offers
hands-on, age-appropriate learning experiences on topics including fire safety, first aid, disability awareness,
lawn mower safety and safe handling of power tools.

July 15th is the deadline to apply for a Progressive Agriculture Safety Day in 2011 for your community. Hacault
says the early application date is necessary because base funding from sponsors such as Agrium and Bunge is
limited and “unfortunately, we’re likely to have a waiting list once again”.

He explains these funds are “used to train co-ordinators and provide teaching and resource materials for the
kids”. Each co-ordinator then raises money locally to conduct the Day.

Safety Days may be delivered in English or French and training is available in Canada in both languages.

For a list of 2010 Progressive Agriculture Safety Days in Canada and to apply for 2011, go to the Progressive
Agriculture Safety Day section at www.planfarmsafety.ca or contact David Vielfaure at (204) 275-8870

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) co-ordinates, develops and leads national initiatives to
help farmers, their families and workers recognize and manage safety risks. CASA is primarily funded through
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial initiative Growing Forward with support
from Canadian agri-business.

Media contact:
Diane Wreford (204) 275-8874