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Ontario farm safety leader re-elected chair of the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association Board

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  • Ontario farm safety leader re-elected chair of the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association Board

Winnipeg, November 28, 2011: Dean Anderson, regional director for Western Ontario with Workplace Safety and Prevention Services, was re-elected to a third term as chair of the seven-person Board of Directors for the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA).

At CASA’s annual general meeting in Tsawwassen, BC on November 17, 2011, Charan Gill, chief executive officer, Progressive Intercultural Community Services, B.C. was elected for his first term on CASA’s Board. CASA Council members re-elected to the Board are John Gordon, executive director of the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture, Saskatoon, SK, and Billy Woods, producer from Torbay, Newfoundland.

Denis Bilodeau, vice-president of L’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) was elected vice-chair of CASA. André Bonneau of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture was elected as CASA’s treasurer. Billy Woods continues as secretary. Lauranne Sanderson, associate professor at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, continues as a Board member.

Bruce Johnson, executive director of BC’s Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association, retired from the Board. He served 14 years as a Board member, and was chair from 2007 – 2009. Bruce Johnson has been the Executive Director and a Director of the Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association (FARSHA) in British Columbia since 1994.

CASA’s 17th annual meeting was held during its conference PLAN. FARM. SAFETY. checking the plan! in Vancouver November 16 – 18, 2011. Approximately 75 farm safety professionals, researchers, government representatives and farm leaders from provincial and national producer organizations took part in discussions and workshops to develop and refine techniques to positively change the country’s safety culture.

Conference presentations are posted on CASA’s website.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) co-ordinates, develops and leads national initiatives to help farmers, their families and workers recognize and manage safety risks. CASA is primarily funded through Growing Forward, a federal, provincial and territorial initiative, and with support from Canadian agri-business.

For more information about CASA and to access CASA’s 2010-11 Annual Report, go to www.planfarmsafety.ca.

Media contact: Diane Wreford Tara Seel

(204) 275-8874 (204) 275-8870

dwreford@casa-acsa.ca tseel@casa-acsa.ca