1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272



Relevance of Agricultural Health & Safety in Sustainability

Executive Summary

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) conducted initial research to determine the relevance of agricultural health and safety in sustainability initiatives. CASA would like to develop a position on health and safety inclusion in sustainability initiatives (standards) that impact grassroot suppliers, producers, and farmers across many sectors. 

Sustainability includes Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. “People sustainability” refers to the practice of nurturing and maintaining the well-being, engagement, and development of individuals within an organization, including their health and safety. Organizations cannot be sustainable without protecting the safety, health, and welfare of their most vital resource: people. 

Celebrating Women in Agriculture: Wellness, Safety and Leadership

Executive Summary: Expanding Opportunities for Canadian Agriculture by Understanding the Experience of Farm Women

There is no question that women are indispensable to the strength and success of farms across the country and the entire agricultural industry. In fact, according to the Canadian Census of Agriculture, about one-third of farms have women as primary decision-makers, be it as sole proprietors or in a partnership.

Yet, despite women being vital to the success of family farms, their roles are often undervalued and unacknowledged, with limited initiatives undertaken to measure and provide a quantifiable assessment of the experiences of farm women.

However, a recent research project from Farm Management Canada, which the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) contributed to, has provided valuable findings on farm women’s unique experiences and contributions.

2020 Canadian Ag Safety Study with FCC Market Insights
Agricultural Health and Safety Policies and Their Implications on Trade
Summary Report: Agricultural Injuries and Deaths in Senior Farmers
On-Farm Agricultural Worker Safety Training Review Summary
2011 Farm Safety Report Card
2008 Farm Safety Report Card
Agricultural Fatalities in Canada 1990-2000: Focus on Older Farmers and Workers
The Economic Burden of Injury Within the Agricultural Population in Canada
National Stress and Mental Survey of Canadian Farmers