1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Spot the Dangers

This fun, hands-on activity asks participants to identify dangers found on this farm. Intended to start conversations, this laminated resource comes with dry-erase markers.

On-Farm Agricultural Worker Safety Training Review Summary

Agriculture remains one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Training has been acknowledged as a key factor in the promotion of occupational safety and health. Training makes workers aware of the hazards they may encounter in the workplace, informs them of the tools and regulations that are in place to protect them and drives them towards safe behaviours.

Locating underground utilities before you dig

Every year, underground infrastructures and utilities are unintentionally struck across Canada. Unsafe digging could result in serious injury or death, fines and repair costs, or interrupted services. Although many underground infrastructures and utilities are found in urban areas, rural areas also have a number of these services.

Ladder safety

Falls from ladders are one of the leading causes of serious injury in agriculture. These falls are preventable if the proper precautions are taken.

Toolbox Talks – Template

Toolbox Talks are brief, informal talks or meetings about specific topics relevant to agriculture and how to undertake these various tasks safely and properly.

Slips and Trips

Keep an eye out for potential slip and trip hazards. Identify, communicate the hazard to others, and control of the hazard can prevent injury and maintain productivity.

Glove Selection and Use

Gloves provide important protection. It’s essential to choose the correct gloves for the task. There are many types to choose from and using the correct type will help prevent injury.


Incorporating GHS into WHMIS has led to some important changes in Canada.

Fusarium and Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that are naturally produced by certain types of moulds (fungi). Most mycotoxins are chemically stable and do not degrade during storage or under normal food processing conditions.1

Making Transitions

Maintaining relationships when a family business is involved in transitioning to the next generation can create unique challenges

Maintaining Healthy Relationships

“ Relationships provide us with identity, purpose and direction. In essence, relationships and therefore community is a life giving, life defining, life nurturing process.”

Living With Stress

It is important to understand the components of stress. Stress is a normal reaction to situations that are perceived to be challenging

Dealing With Conflict

Conflict is part of life. In all relationships, we experience conflict. Conflict can be positive if managed properly.

Developing a Visitor Orientation

The first step to developing a visitor orientation is to list the basic safety rules and policies you expect all visitors to follow.

Developing a Spring Checklist

When developing a Pre-Season Checklist, use the template below with checklist items that are important to your farm. When using your checklist, your action items will be determined by your response.

Farm Stress Inventory

Farming has ongoing situations that cause stress. Common farm stressors are finances, daily hassles, and lack of control over the weather, heavy work overloads, and conflict in relationships.

Taking Care of you and your Farm

Research shows farmers face diverse challenges, including mental health & stress. These can contribute to increasing rates of stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout.

Machinery Standards for Safe & Strong Farms

Development and publication of machinery safety standards, especially those that are integrated into machinery design have a positive impact on reducing risk of harm to operators and bystanders.

Anhydrous Ammonia Safety & the Farmer

Fertilizer Canada has recently launched an updated farmer safety training program on anhydrous ammonia. The course aims to equip farmers with the knowledge to ensure that anhydrous ammonia fertilizer is handled and transported safely. – Crop Production Products

Safety & Health Insurance Available and Farmer Insurance Needs

Safety & Health Insurance Available and Farmer Insurance Needs Executive Summary

It is a common view that farmers do not have adequate health insurance to manage their health needs given the physical and mental risks that come with farming. The cost of farmers’ injuries and illness can be mitigated if farmers had more preventative, appropriate, and cost-effective health and disability coverage.

This report is to perform a preliminary overview of the health benefit plans currently offered by provincial and territorial farm organizations and a summary of the available coverage from traditional insurance providers.

Gelatin Brain Mould

A teaching kit of three life-size brain moulds comes with instructions on how to mix up a brain-like gel to let set in the mould. Flip the “brain” out of the moulds and you have a slimy, jiggly mass, similar to a real brain that can be dropped or smashed to demonstrate the need for a protective safety helmet!

Click Here To Download Instructions.

Target Age: Grade 1 – Adult

How it Works:
Wear a helmet when you ride!
Objective: To demonstrate how delicate the human brain is.
Concept: Things that are delicate can be protected.