1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a common health problem frequently found among people who work in noisy environments. While the condition is not fatal, it seriously degrades the quality of life of those afflicted. The tragedy of this preventable condition is that NIHL is irreversible.

The farm is a very noisy place. Moveable and fixed machinery are the sources of most farm noise. Not surprisingly a study recently completed by the Centre in R.M. of Fish Creek indicates that a substantial number of farmers and their spouses suffer from varying degrees of NIHL.

This fact sheet will help you understand how excessive noise leads to hearing loss and how you and your family could be protected from Noise Induced Hearing Loss.

Link: http://aghealth.usask.ca/resources/documents/fact-sheet-1.php

Author/Organization: Agricultural Health and Safety Network
Date: Unknown