Teach Your Way: Open Source Ag Health and Safety Curriculum
Five training modules for youth ages 16 to 23.
Playing Safe on the Farm – Toolbox Talks for Kids
The best places to play and explore are the ones that are set aside for just that! A safe play area is a place that is free of things that could hurt a kid and has lots of fun things to do.
Toolbox Talks – Template
Toolbox Talks are brief, informal talks or meetings about specific topics relevant to agriculture and how to undertake these various tasks safely and properly.
Slips and Trips
Keep an eye out for potential slip and trip hazards. Identify, communicate the hazard to others, and control of the hazard can prevent injury and maintain productivity.
Glove Selection and Use
Gloves provide important protection. It’s essential to choose the correct gloves for the task. There are many types to choose from and using the correct type will help prevent injury.
Safety Footwear
Safety footwear selection is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Incorporating GHS into WHMIS has led to some important changes in Canada.
Fusarium and Mycotoxins
Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that are naturally produced by certain types of moulds (fungi). Most mycotoxins are chemically stable and do not degrade during storage or under normal food processing conditions.1
Making Transitions
Maintaining relationships when a family business is involved in transitioning to the next generation can create unique challenges
Maintaining Healthy Relationships
“ Relationships provide us with identity, purpose and direction. In essence, relationships and therefore community is a life giving, life defining, life nurturing process.”
Living With Stress
It is important to understand the components of stress. Stress is a normal reaction to situations that are perceived to be challenging
Dealing With Conflict
Conflict is part of life. In all relationships, we experience conflict. Conflict can be positive if managed properly.
Confidential Personal Wellness Assessment
This is a confidential document and is intended to be completed privately and shared with your health care provider ONLY.
Developing a Visitor Orientation
The first step to developing a visitor orientation is to list the basic safety rules and policies you expect all visitors to follow.
Developing a Spring Checklist
When developing a Pre-Season Checklist, use the template below with checklist items that are important to your farm. When using your checklist, your action items will be determined by your response.
Farm Stress Management Plan
A management plan to reduce stress.
Farm Stress Inventory
Farming has ongoing situations that cause stress. Common farm stressors are finances, daily hassles, and lack of control over the weather, heavy work overloads, and conflict in relationships.
Strengthening International Partnerships–Translating the Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines for French Canadians
The Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines (AYWG) can help farm parents and supervisors assign work that matches a youth’s abilities, thus reducing injury risk and keeping your child safe.
Teach Your Way: Open Source of Ag Health and Safety Curriculum
AgriSafe offers Invest in Your Health Trainer Exchanges where educators can be trained and certified on five agricultural health and safety modules.
Celebrating 25 Years of Making Farm, Ranch and Rural Life Safer for Children and Their Communities
Progressive Agriculture Safety Days – A look back at 25 Years of the Progressive Agriculture Foundation – working for child safety
Grain Bin Fall Protection: Northern Strands’ Bin Safety System
Our patent pending fall protection system is a cutting edge product designed to protect farm workers personal health & safety from a fall while climbing or accessing a bin for repairs or inspections.
Working Together to Sustain the Future of Agricultural Safety and Health
Provide overview of ASHCA and description of the programs that we have developed to address important farm safety and health issues in U.S. agriculture.
Taking Care of you and your Farm
Research shows farmers face diverse challenges, including mental health & stress. These can contribute to increasing rates of stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout.
Machinery Standards for Safe & Strong Farms
Development and publication of machinery safety standards, especially those that are integrated into machinery design have a positive impact on reducing risk of harm to operators and bystanders.
A Look at Sustainable Farm Families Alberta
A successful health and wellness program for Alberta farmers SFF provides tools and techniques to effectively be able to plan safety on your farm.
Developing a Right-Sized Sustainable Safety Management System for the Farming Industry
Farm safety planning – Successful implementation of an effective and sustainable HSE management system is intended to drive continuous performance improvements in farm HSE.
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety & the Farmer
Fertilizer Canada has recently launched an updated farmer safety training program on anhydrous ammonia. The course aims to equip farmers with the knowledge to ensure that anhydrous ammonia fertilizer is handled and transported safely. – Crop Production Products
Exploring the Connection Between Mental Health and Farm Management
The findings from national survey results point to the threat Canadian agriculture farms and businesses may face due to poor mental health and high stress.
Resources for Agricultural Workers with Disabilities and Other Functional Limitations
AgrAbility addresses a wide variety of disabling conditions in agriculture.
Safety & Health Insurance Available and Farmer Insurance Needs
It is a common view that farmers do not have adequate health insurance to manage their health needs given the physical and mental risks that come with farming. The cost of farmers’ injuries and illness can be mitigated if farmers had more preventative, appropriate, and cost-effective health and disability coverage.
This report is to perform a preliminary overview of the health benefit plans currently offered by provincial and territorial farm organizations and a summary of the available coverage from traditional insurance providers.