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Saskatchewan Organization Works to Keep Kids Safe through Safety Days

Deadline to apply for a 2018 Safety Day is July 15, 2017.

Winnipeg, MB, July 10, 2017: The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) is pleased to partner with the Progressive Agriculture Foundation (PAF) in supporting rural health and safety through Progressive Agriculture Safety Days®.

The Progressive Agriculture Safety Day program usually consists of a one-day safety event that helps children learn how to be safe on the farm, ranch and at home. Safety Days are designed to be appropriate for all ages, hands-on and informative. Volunteers coordinate Safety Day events all across Canada.

Glen Duck, Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions (SAASE), has been involved in 23 Safety Day events in Saskatchewan since 2013, reaching more than 6,000 participants.

So far in 2017, Duck and other SAASE members, have already coordinated 14 Safety Day events in 12 Saskatchewan communities. Duck’s passion for children’s safety is evident and he is quick to give the credit of these successful Safety Days to the local SAASE members and volunteers. “These events don’t happen without local volunteers,” he says. “These volunteers get us tremendous support from schools, local sponsors, and parents.”

Duck has kept track of the number of SASSE volunteers and volunteer hours that have contributed to keeping kids safe through the Safety Day program. “Since 2013, approximately 500 volunteers have contributed over 5000 hours to the Safety Day program,” he says.

When asked why he and the other SAASE members work so hard at bringing these Safety Days to Saskatchewan communities, Glen says Safety Days are all about keeping kids healthy, thriving and safe. “These Safety Days are all about trying to change the culture around safety. By getting these safety messages to children and youth now, we are setting them up to be safe from a young age.”

Communities that would like to host a Progressive Agriculture Safety Day in 2018 can apply online at ww.casa-acsa.ca and click on Safety Days. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2017. Safety Day coordinator training is available in both official languages. For a full list of 2017 Safety Day events in Canada visit casa-acsa.ca/SafetyDays.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and safety of farmers, their families and agricultural workers. CASA is funded in part by Growing Forward 2, a federal, provincial and territorial initiative and receives additional support from the agricultural and corporate sectors.

For more information, visit www.casa-acsa.ca, find us on Facebook or LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter @planfarmsafety.


For more information, please contact:

Robin Anderson, Communications Coordinator