1255 Clarence Avenue Unit B

Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1T4

(877) 452-2272


Online Training

Take Farm Safety Courses Online

Take affordable, professional, ag health and safety courses developed by CASA, anywhere, anytime of day. Because farm safety is important 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Take Individual Courses

Do you have an interest in farm safety? Would you like to brush up on your farm safety skill set? CASA has developed several farm safety training courses that are available online, including Agricultural Machinery Safeguarding, Seasonal Agricultural Workers Health and Safety Orientation, Working in Confined Spaces on the Farm, and a suite of eight courses focusing on Dairy Worker Safety Orientation (click on course links below). Each course  offers a certificate of completion at the end of the learning experience.

Provide Online Training for Your Employees

Do you have employees that would benefit from CASA’s suite of online courses? CASA offers discounts on bulk course purchases. Contact us for details.

Additionally, if your company or organization would like to offer CASA courses directly to your employees through your own web page, contact us. CASA can help facilitate the set-up of your very own customized web training portal that includes course administration at an affordable rate.

Membership Discounts

Are you a CASA member?
If so, you are entitled to discounts on CASA’s online courses!

Basic members receive a 25 per cent discount on CASA online courses. Enhanced members receive one free CASA course per membership year, followed by a 50 per cent discount on all other CASA online courses. To collect on this great deal, email CASA at info@casa-acsa.ca and provide your membership name, the course(s) you’d like to take, and your contact information (email preferred). CASA will send you a one-time-use course code(s) to apply when you register for your course(s). Must be a member in good standing to receive discounts.

Farm Occupational Health and Safety Supervisor Course

The goal of this course is to provide occupational health and safety training guidance to farm managers who are responsible for supervising and training employees and workers on the farm.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Train the Trainer
  • The Importance of Farm Safety Training
  • Farm Supervisor Training Responsibilities
  • Essential Occupational Health & Safety Training Topics
  • How to Train & Deliver Training
  • Overcoming Language or Educational Barriers
  • Provide Engaging Training
  • Assessing Competency
  • Supervisor Specific Legislation by Province

2 hours


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

Introduction to Grain Handling and Storage Hazards

This training program is intended to alert individuals of the potential hazards that may be found in and around on-farm grain handling and storage facilities. This is of particular importance to individuals who may not be familiar with such facilities.

45 minutes


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

CASA Farm Safety Orientation

This course is intended for visitors to the farm, and employees of the farm. The health and wellbeing of farm employees and family members is top priority. Our vision is to have incident-free and injury-free farms, with everyone on the farm working in a safe and healthy environment.
The course covers the following topics:
  • Farm Policies and Rules
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Hazard Management
  • Inspections
  • Hazard Controls
  • Incident Management
  • Emergency Response
  • Training and Communication

60 minutes


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

CASA All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Awareness Course

The purpose of this course is to give workers awareness training to safely operate All-Terrain Vehicles.
In this course, we’ll be looking at 6 main sections. The topics in these sections will consist of:
  • The dangers of ATVs
  • Safe Operation of ATVs
  • Pre-ride Inspections
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Legal Rights & Requirements
  • Training recommendations

45 minutes


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

CASA Tractor & Farm Machinery

In this course we will discuss Tractor Safety on your farm and provide some awareness training to help ensure that tractor operators understand the basic fundamentals of equipment operation in a safe manner.

You will require both of these documents for the course:



50 minutes


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

Agricultural Machinery Safeguarding

The training program for safeguarding agricultural machinery for protecting the health and safety of agricultural workers includes elements that will guide farm owners, managers and their workers on understanding the importance and design of machine guarding.
The course covers the following topics:
  • How to recognize workplace hazards
  • The types of injuries that can result from unguarded mechanical components
  • The importance and utilization of guarding systems
  • Types of guarding systems and how they are designed to work
  • Key considerations if guarding must be built on site
  • Basic responsibilities of employers and workers with respect to machine guarding
  • The regulatory requirements that may apply

60 minutes


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

Seasonal Agricultural Workers Health and Safety Orientation

This training program is for seasonal workers. Workers will learn the basic principles of agricultural health and safety, how to recognize workplace hazards, and the importance and utilization of hazard control systems.
This information in this training program is adaptable to various commodity sectors. It will help farm owners/operators provide due diligence in managing the wellbeing and safety of their employees.

45 minutes


Continual evaluation throughout the course

Certificate of Completion

Dairy Worker Safety Orientation Series

Work on a dairy farm is dynamic and rewarding. It is specialized work in the milking and care of dairy cattle. The work activities involving, milking, cleaning, feeding and caring for the dairy cattle in addition to performing general maintenance and other tasks as needed.

The various activities also present a variety of hazards. This series of eight training modules presents an introductory health and safety orientation for new and returning workers to the dairy industry.

This training series creates a foundation for more detailed workplace discussions between the workers and supervisors for addressing hazards specific to their dairy farm.

This series consists of 8 modules that take approximately 40 minutes each to complete:

  • Animal Handling and Health
  • Chemical Safety
  • Feed Handling and Storage
  • General Safety
  • Machinery Safety in the Field
  • Milking and Chores
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Robotic Safety

5 hours


Quiz at the end of each module

Certificate of Completion

Browse Other Safety Courses

Haven’t found what you are looking for yet?
While CASA has developed several online safety courses, CASA has also partnered with an online safety training network to provide access to hundreds of health and safety courses that have been developed by top subject matter experts in a number of fields. These online courses range from WHIMIS, risk analysis, and road safety courses, to specific equipment training. They are a valuable safety resource available 24 hours a day. Browse other safety course opportunities.

Grain Safety Training

Interested in grain safety training?
Check out our BeGrainSafe Firefighter & Producer courses.